Yada Yada

I have a user story for you. Create an overlay caption with a dark background. Caption should be shown on hover. To get this effect, you may have to adjust the overlay opacity, and adjust sizing and bg color in the caption settings. Save as a global style.

Divi Post

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ admin_label=”Header” _builder_version=”4.22.0″ _module_preset=”default” collapsed=”on” global_colors_info=”{}” theme_builder_area=”post_content”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.22.0″ _module_preset=”default” max_width=”700px” global_colors_info=”{}” theme_builder_area=”post_content”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.22.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}” theme_builder_area=”post_content”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.22.0″ _module_preset=”039faf02-9c03-4a43-a8b8-12b847d3afef” text_orientation=”center” custom_margin=”||10px||false|false” global_colors_info=”{}” theme_builder_area=”post_content”]Our Services[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.22.0″ _module_preset=”e2893c59-6ecd-48f7-98d7-7c5f5a0df769″ text_orientation=”center” global_colors_info=”{}” theme_builder_area=”post_content”]We’re here to provide the best care for your loved ones in their golden years. If you have any questions, inquiries, or if you’re ready to…

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Testing a user submitted post

This is a test user post. This is a test user post. This is a test user post. This is a test user post. This is a test user post. This is a test user post. This is a test user post. This is a test user post. This is a test user post. This…

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Camp – One Night

Purchase camp night oncePurchase camp night oncePurchase camp night oncePurchase camp night oncePurchase camp night oncePurchase camp night oncePurchase camp night oncePurchase camp night oncePurchase camp night oncePurchase camp night oncePurchase camp night oncePurchase camp night once Purchase camp night oncePurchase camp night oncePurchase camp night oncePurchase camp night oncePurchase camp night oncePurchase camp night…

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Camp – Two Nights

Purchase camp night for two nightsPurchase camp night for two nightsPurchase camp night for two nightsPurchase camp night for two nightsPurchase camp night for two nightsPurchase camp night for two nightsPurchase camp night for two nights Purchase camp night for two nightsPurchase camp night for two nightsPurchase camp night for two nightsPurchase camp night for…

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Classic Editor Page

Membership content restriction does not work. On certain pages like this one (“Associate Area”). Even with the “restrict membership” options checked, I can view the pages in incognito mode, that is, non-associated users can see the page. For what is this? Membership content restriction does not work. On certain pages like this one (“Associate Area”)….

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New Block Protected Post

On our site, we override this setting with a custom function. Here are two code recipes that you will need to customize to show a unique message based on the logged-in user’s membership level or for a not logged in visitor. On our site, we override this setting with a custom function. Here are two…

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Add On Post 3

A personal learning tablet for children in primary and secondary school to learn anywhere, anytime, and excel academically. Buy via WhatsAppBuy Online A personal learning tablet for children in primary and secondary school to learn anywhere, anytime, and excel academically. Buy via WhatsAppBuy Online A personal learning tablet for children in primary and secondary school…

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Add On Post 2

uLesson leverages the best in-class teachers, media, and technology to create high-quality, affordable and accessible education for students.uLesson leverages the best in-class teachers, media, and technology to create high-quality, affordable and accessible education for students. uLesson leverages the best in-class teachers, media, and technology to create high-quality, affordable and accessible education for students.uLesson leverages the…

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Add On Post 1

It’s our experience that with WPEngine, their support team would need to create the NGINX to protect files. Confirm you have worked with WP Engine to exclude PMPro content from their caching, please see: https://www.paidmembershipspro.com/wp-engine/ You would need to make an update to your site’s wp-config.php file and a new update to the NGINX configuration…

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